Day 29 of 31 Days of Halloween

Welcome back!
Today is Day 29 of 31 Days of Halloween.
This awesome month long blog hop (hosted by Smeared and Smudged) goes live everyday in October at 9 a.m. Pacific time. The Hop list is on my sidebar. Don't miss any stops because there are prizes hidden along the way.

Here is my offering for today:
(click image to enlarge)
Coloring: Copic markers
Background: Found online and borrowed.  I really must learn to add the blog addy to files when I save them so I can give credit where credit is due.  The only reference I have is 109974_dungeon 3d.  I plan on drawing my own dungeons in the near future so I can avoid this whole borrowing issue.

The zombie gal was scanned to my pc (after coloring) and the background was removed with PSE8 which enabled me to add her to this scene.

Have a creeptastic weekend!
~ Lady B ~


  1. This is mindblowingly AWESOME... fabulous colouring and I love her :-) xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. WOW! Perfect background for that awesome image. YOur coloring is just gorgeous on her! xxD

  3. love her in the tunnel! What a perfect way to do it and the sizing is right on. I see her flipping her head back around and loping down the tunnel away from me.

  4. What an amazing creation!!! I love it and I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on your dungeon backgrounds... (I am assuming they will be for sale in the future!?! *hint*hint*)

  5. Your lovely creepy creation looks right at home in this cold, damp dungeon. Ohhhh, I want to see your dungeon drawings too!!

  6. She looks perfect in that dungeon perfect colouring
    Luv Jane xxx

  7. Lady B, this is awesome, great coloring,and I LOVE that you put her in a dungeon!
    I know The images on my party post today...some have their web line on them, but some do not, and I should have written them down. If you have time visit my party, i think you'll find it amusing and there are giveaways!

  8. Fabulous coloring! I love the dungeon background, so creepy.

  9. Love your project, it's awesome great colors, love the BG and you did a wonderful job on your creepy zombie lady!


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